Music therapy is a broad field and one most basically defined as any use of music, or musical interventions to achieve a specific therapeutic goal. “Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast,” wrote William Congreave some four hundred years ago, speaking of a phenomenon that humans have always been aware of – that music changes how we feel, helps us look at things in a different way and, of course, can relax and sooth us when we are nervous or anxious. Seen in this way, music therapy has probably been around forever. It has only been in recent decades, however, that science has really revealed the great benefits that music therapy can offer – from reducing blood pressure to improving cardiac performance.
The music therapy services offered by Maloca Sound have been shown to promote wellness, alleviate pain, and help you get in touch with feelings and memories. Music therapy is a great aid to meditation and is an immersive experience that can benefit individuals both mentally and physically. It can both stimulate the brain for improved cognition and memory as well as aid in the meditative “emptying,” which is so useful for managing stress and promoting relaxation.
Maloca Sound offers a wide variety of music therapy programs designed for a range of specific needs. There are services for those relatively new to meditative therapy as well as for those for whom long meditation sessions are preferred. Whatever your goals, the right therapy session for you can be offered.
When it comes to how the music is produced, music therapy can involve both active participation as well as a more receptive immersive interactive session that involves responding to music in a specific way. This can be through singing, chanting, or playing an instrument. Such practices serve to connect participants with the music, leading to an immersive back and forth with the sound vibrations produced. This can be an effective meditative aid, allowing participants to focus their minds on an intuitive reception of the music and away from intrusive thoughts that may distract from the meditation.
Almost anyone can benefit from music therapy, from children to adults and the elderly. Music therapy has been shown to be an effective recovery technique for those suffering from all manner of ailments, from acute and chronic pain to Alzheimer’s disease and various physical injuries.
A music therapist will typically assess emotional well-being, physical health, communication abilities, and cognitive skills through musical responses. In this way music therapy not only benefits participants but can also reveal a great deal about them as well. Many who undergo music therapy discover just what it is they should be working on to facilitate general betterment. Like many forms of meditation, music therapy can reveal a lot about yourself.
As mentioned, music therapy is a very broad field and can take any number of forms including music improvisation, simple listening, and music meditation. It can also be a more creative therapy, involving composition, critical reaction and even elements of music performance (although you do not need to be musically proficient to take part in this).