Breathing: A Life-Giving Function That Impacts Mind and Spirit

Breathing: A Life-Giving Function That Impacts Mind and Spirit

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Breathing. I’m guessing it is something that most of us take for granted. Breathing is a life-giving physical function without which we could not survive. But as I have been studying breathwork and its relationship to wellbeing, I’ve discovered something else: the same function that gives life to the body also impacts mind and spirit.

We talk about breathing in many different ways. Doctors refer to breathing as respiration. A boxer might speak of gasping for breath after taking a hard hit to the stomach. We talk about taking deep breaths, holding our breath, and even breathing rhythmically to get through severe pain. But all these expressions point to one thing: the influence breathing has on all things physical, mental, and spiritual.

Emotions and Breathing

My breathwork training has revealed to me an intrinsic link between emotions and breathing. Emotions can dictate breathing and vice versa. Consider the following:

  • Emotions like fear and anger can lead to shallow, rapid breathing.
  • Emotions like happiness and joy can boost breathing variability.

There are some emotions that can lead to the cessation of breathing. You might be so shocked or disgusted by something that you momentarily gasp. You actually stop breathing for a split second. It is crazy, but true.

On the other hand, controlling the way we breathe can change emotional states. Here are just a few examples:

  • Slow, deep breathing can reduce negative emotions and enhance their positive counterparts.
  • Controlled breathing can help reduce stress levels, thereby improving short term mental health.

This is what breathwork is all about. With breathwork, we learn to control our breathing for the purposes of positively impacting emotions. At the same time, we learn to not allow emotions to impact the way we breathe in a negative way.

Influencing the Spirit

Human beings are spiritual creatures. We have a natural tendency to crave something bigger than ourselves. How does breathwork play into this? Breathwork gives us the ability to control and channel emotions in a positive direction. It also encourages us to relax and be in the moment. When that state is achieved, we can get in touch with our spiritual natures more easily.

It is amazing to sit still and relax in the moment, focusing on breathwork while letting go of all the external influences that trend toward a negative state of mind. Letting go of those influences opens the mind to greater spiritual understanding. We can reach within ourselves to truly get in touch with who we are at the very core.

A Positive Impact on the Body

Breathwork is a fantastic discipline for both mental health and spiritual wellbeing. But there is actually an added bonus that comes with it: a positive impact on the physical being. Indeed, the positive effects of breathwork on the mind and spirit can rub off on the body.

It is due to the fact that there is an intrinsic link between all three parts of the human creature. The body is linked to the mind and spirit. The mind is linked to the spirit and body. The spirit is linked to both the body and mind. So what is good for one tends to be good for all three.
I am so excited to be learning all about breathwork and its benefits for physical, mental, and spiritual health. I can’t wait to begin sharing what I have learned with you. If you are interested in learning more about breathwork, keep following my blog. Once my training is complete, I’ll be ready to share what I’ve learned in group and private sessions.

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